MathOA is an organization modelled on LingOA, aimed at facilitating and accelerating the switch to open access publishing in mathematics (broadly interpreted), using the principles of what we call Fair Open Access (more details). To this end, we investigate publishers, obtain guaranteed funding, offer legal help, and generally try to simplify the job of editors in switching their existing subscription journal to a modern, community-controlled OA platform. We have substantial practical experience in running  journals and converting them to open access.

MathOA is a member of the Fair Open Access Alliance.

MathOA gratefully acknowledges the support of

  • Centre Mersenne
  • CWI (Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica – Center of Mathematics and Computer Science) Amsterdam
  • Foundation Compositio Mathematica
  • RNBM (Réseau National des Bibliothèques de Mathématiques)
  • TIB (Technische Informationsbibliothek  – German National Library of Science and Technology)